Friday, October 22, 2010

What do you think about the new Facebook Groups?

There's a really long analysis posted here:

But I want to know from you guys -- what do you think of the new Facebook Groups design, and how it affects online privacy?


  1. I am currently part of a group for the people in my major. The Groups feature has been great for getting everyone together. Before, I barely knew 7 people in my major, but now I know of at least 30. It has been a great tool for connecting with others.

    There have been some issues I've had with the feature though. I have been wary of the 'online' feature. As a member of the group, I can see the other group members online at the moment (even if they are not friends) and chat with them. Even if they were my friends, it still makes me uneasy knowing that others can see me online on Facebook.

    One feature that is also disconcerting is that it is very easy to invite people into a group. If a group member were to accidentally invite someone, there's no way to kick the 'unwanted' person out. The person is automatically a member and does not need to confirm anything. A lot of private information can be leaked because of a careless mistake.

    Overall,the groups feature has been greatly improved and I think I will be using it a lot in the future even with these privacy issues.

  2. Personally, I never pay much attention to the privacy settings for Facebook or any other online service or website. I feel that if there is information or anything that you don't want people to know, then don't put it on the internet.

    I do not have a strong background in computer knowledge...or any background at all. This is why I always feel like that there must be people who are technologically savvy enough that if they want my information, they will get it regardless of my privacy settings.

    So, for me, I like the new Facebook groups because they are easier to use. So, I think for a social networking site where most information posted aren't going to be top secret anyways, it is a change for the better.
