Sunday, October 31, 2010

Movies about government surveillance

There are two good movies about hidden surveillance and privacy violations - "The Conversation" directed by Francis Coppola, and "Enemy of the State" starring Will Smith, and Gene Hackman is in both movies playing almost identical characters. The first one tells about a man whose obsession with his own privacy turns against him eventually. And the second one tells you what the government is capable of and how it can illegally spy on people for its own interests. Especially interesting when innocent people are involved.

More information about the movies:

The Conversation:
Enemy of the State:

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I find it hilarious his name is "Gene Hackman" when your previous post was "Decision that GENEs Shouldn't be Patentable in the U.S.", and your next post is "Firesheep allows easy HACKing over open WiFi"
