Sunday, October 17, 2010

Map of Online Communities - updated 2010!

I remember seeing something like this map a long time ago, and I just stumbled upon this brand new updated version from summer 2010! Enjoy. This map is based on activity levels, as supposed to number of users, (which would probably explain why Farmville is so friggin huge, it's probably used for hours on end by many people, while twitter is only accessed maybe 3 times a day for an average user? Same with 4chan's prominence among forums, maybe it's the type of thing people spend long hours on? internet addiction?) You also have to wonder about possible bias towards North American / English language activities (although there is China's "QQ" messenger, and "Euro Gulf")

My Highlights:

• Shaq in the Twitter territory
• "Former site of adult services" in Craigslist territory (crater)
• Myspace's huge importance for bands, music videos' prominence on Youtube
• "Web 3.0 (under construction)"
• "Sea of Protocol Confusion"
• Sarah Palin USA's proximity to Russia
• "Catbus Route" on the 4chan island
• Bieber Bay!
