Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Recommended Reading for Thursday / Tuesday: Info Security

1. What's your Facebook Data Worth?

An uncommonly good insight into the economic value of SNS data. Check out the link to evaluate how much your own FB page is worth.


Information Security and Privacy

2. The OWASP Top Ten [PDF] [wiki] [slides]
A nice overview of the top ten web application security risks.

We'll be covering the following topics:

3. Web Bugs a.k.a. Beacons a.k.a. Tracking

4. Clickjacking a.k.a. the transparent IFRAME trick

5. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
I find the wikipedia article rather opaque. Samy's own story of the worm and its technical description is pretty concrete. Most students should be able to understand at least the first four steps of the exploit.

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