Friday, November 12, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 is NATIONAL OPT-OUT DAY!

An activist opposed to the new airport body scanners is encouraging passengers to opt-out when security asks them to go through one of the machines on November 24 (America's Thanksgiving Day).

"...the government has done little to ensure that images taken by the devices are not saved. The TSA has asserted that the machines cannot store pictures, but security personnel at a courthouse in Florida were found to not only have saved images but shared them among colleagues in order to humiliate one of their co-workers."
More information National Opt-Out Day: As stated on the site, the goal of National Opt Out Day is to "send a message to our lawmakers that we demand change.  We have a right to privacy and buying a plane ticket should not mean that we're guilty until proven innocent.  This day is needed because many people do not understand what they consent to when choosing to fly."

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