Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Robots with ethics

Computers "learning" ethical theories? Meet Nao!
Interesting article describing the combination of artificial intelligence and ethical theories.

1 comment:

  1. This is walking on the very fine line of having a nice and kind robot following Asimov's three laws or having a robot ruled world of I, Robot. (You can argue that a robot ruled world with all robots obeying the three laws, but let's not go into that deep.)
    What would you do if the robot decided someone is not being ethical? Or what if the robot decided killing someone is an ethical choice (because of malfunction of its ethics module or it diagnosed that the person has no hope of survival)? Or what about the case from I, Robot, where the robot decided to save one person over another based on its calculation of chance of survival?
    You can base a full project on this. But bottom line, the fact that we have technology to do these kinds of things alarms me.
