Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Video on new Facebook Messaging


All users to get an @facebook.com email.

One feature that stuck out: FB promises to converge all SMS, emails and such in threaded conversations. They claim that privacy is not compromised.


  1. Before I clicked on the link i was expecting a really technical presentation. Surprising that the video was so artistic. Creates more buzz I guess?

  2. Somehow they knew that the most common subject headers in emails are "no subject", "hi", and "yo"...what other information do they collect from messages sent on their system?

    Now that they have this, their information bank will grow even larger.

    By the way, this is Facebook's version of Google Wave/Buzz??

  3. It is safe to assume they collect everything. I hope they adopt Google's mantra of "do no evil" as they definitely do have an immense amount of power in their data banks.
