Thursday, September 23, 2010

Zuckerberg is now richer than Jobs

Forbes reports that Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is now worth $6.9 Billion topping Steve Jobs’ 2010 networth of $6.1 Billion. Interestingly enough, Jobs’ $6.1 Billion is one billion more than he had in 2009, meaning he netted a billion bucks in one year. Not bad for the guy who made the Mac, iPod, iPhone and iPad.

At least you can trust Jobs with your personal info, kinda.

To gauge the author’s knowledge, check out this statement: “It’s speculated that the Facebook phone with run on Google’s Android operating system, currently offered by Verizon (Apple has a deal with rival AT&T).” – Clearly someone familiar with the mobile landscape in the US.



  1. I read this the other day too, and was really surprised... The way Zuckerberg seems to be treating the industry is kind of... how you do say... disturbing? I guess we'll have to wait to see what happens before we run out to our social bomb shelters :)

  2. Wow... time to clean up my facebook account when I get home. Quitting facebook is pretty hard when your friends and social network rely on it to get in touch with you... it's not even up to me now whether I keep FB or not.

  3. Zuckerberg also made the $100M donation to education at the right time :)
