Monday, September 27, 2010

"AngelGate" controversy shakes Silicon Valley start-up scene

The start-up blogosphere is abuzz with the revelation that Silicon Valley's top individual investors ("angels") are meeting to discuss collaborating in ways that are not necessarily good for start-up innovation.

Here's the article that started it all...

And here are the tongue-in-cheek effects.

Check out the Hitler fakesubs video under the above link for a hodgepodge of inside jokes about the world of start-ups. If you're interested in doing a tech start-up, Vancouver's links with Silicon Valley are strong enough that you're likely to become immersed in this community.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping someone would post this :)

    I'd really like to talk about this in class actually... and see what everyone thinks. It's sad that something like this is happening though :(
